The Poker cards differ in some fundamental characteristics . First, they can be 100% Plastic , Paperboard in (Duplex or Triplex ) or Cardstock Telato and plasticized. The first cards are very light but more’ wear-resistant and washable, those cardboard are more’ consistent and therefore more ‘ pleasant to hold in your hand, but are’ more’ subject to deterioration. Plastic cards usually are used for Texas Hold’em, and because ‘ must not be hand-held fan, and because’ their flexibility’ and scivolosita ‘offers a rapidity’ mixing and distribution are necessary in the American poker. Both models can have 2 pips (used in American cards) or 4 pips (used in Italian cards ) and be Regular Index (also known as Standard or Normal Index Index), Jumbo Index (also known as Super Index) or Magnum Index.

Cards Regular Index cards are the classic we all know , that ‘ with numbers and symbols of small seeds . They can have 4 Pips , that ‘ the numbers and symbols in all 4 corners of the card, or 2 Pips or only in the left upper and right lower corner . Can be in either cardboard or plastic. Cards are more ‘ used.

Cards Jumbo Index cards with numbers and symbols of the seeds more ‘ larger than normal. They can have 4 Pips (little used in the Jumbo Index ) or 2 pips. Can be in either cardboard or plastic. Are typical cards BlackJack that in some cases are also used for American poker. The last difference is the size : there is’ Bridge Poker Size and Size, quest’utimo a little ‘more ‘ tight. Some casinos’ prefer Bridge size because’ being more ‘ small, and ‘ slightly more’ quick to mix. At this site , however, ‘I prefer to consider as the only true poker cards Poker Size.


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